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Drostanolone steroider

» Steroider rå » Drostanolone steroider

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Drostanolone Propionate
Synonymer: Masteron; Dromostanolone Propionate; masterone propionate
CAS: 521-12-0
EINECS: 208-303-1
Molekylær formel: C23H36O3
Molekylær vekt:360.53
Assay: 99% min.
Karakter: Hvitt krystallinsk pulver.
Bruk: pharmaceutical material, Steroidhormon, Anabolin. As a male hormone and anabolic hormones.

Drostanolone propionate (also called Masteron) is an anabolic/androgenic steroid which is the propionate ester of drostanolone. It is known to be androgenic and anabolic. It is incapable of aromatization and has similar properties to dihydrotestosterone. It has been successfully used as a breast cancer drug, but because of the high risk of virilization, safer options are prescribed.

It has gained popularity in the bodybuilding community as a diuretic and muscle defining drug. Individuals interested in using the drostanolone propionate are those that are looking to add muscle hardness and density to their physiques, nearly always for the purpose of bodybuilding competitions.

Drostanolone Propionate is an anabolic androgenic steroid that first hit the market around 1970 under the trade name Masteron manufactured by Syntex. men, the compound was actually developed by Syntex in 1959 along with Oxymetholone (Anadrol) but would not be released until well after Anadrol. Syntex would also provide the compound under numerous other brand names such as Masteril and Metormon among others, as well as Drolban under the license given by Syntext to Lilly. men, Masteron has remained the most recognizable brand.

Drostanolone Propionate is clinically used to treat women who suffer from breasts cancer. This drug is known to halt the progress of the disease because it blocks the aromatase enzyme which is responsible for the production of estrogen. Masteron became popular among bodybuilders and athletes because it does not promote water retention, fat deposition and other gyno effects. This anti-estrogenic property allows users to achieve firm and well-defined muscles since there is no water in between the tissues. Masteron comes in two forms, Masteron propionate and Masteron enanthate. The former is given every other day at a dose of 150mg to 500mg while the latter is injected every two days at a dose of 400mg to 600mg since it has long half-life.

Drostanolone Propionate also produces side effects such as insomnia, baldness and heightened aggression. This steroid is highly androgenic so Masteron Propionate certainly causes strong androgenic effects including low testosterone production, men, these effects can be prevented through testosterone stimulants.

Test Spesifikasjon Resultater
Identifikasjon TLC

UV spectrum

IR spectrum




Kjennetegn White to almost white crystalline powder conform
Smeltepunkt 124 ~ 128℃ 127℃
Specific optical rotation ﹢26°~﹢32° ﹢27°
Rester ved antennelse ≤0.05% 0.03%
Løselighet practically insoluble in water,freely soluble in chloroform ,slight soluble alcohol and vegetable oil Pass
Tungt metall ≤20 ppm 10ppm
Rester av løsemidler(GC) Methylene chloride ≤ 600ppm

Methanol ≤3000ppm







Tap ved tørking ≤0,5 % 0.23%
Assay 97.0 ~ 103.0% 99.1%
Particle size 100%≤20um Pass
Konklusjon This batch complies with USP36

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