Fabricante de pó de esteróides anabolizantes da China
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Produtos farmacêuticos ativos

» Produtos farmacêuticos » Produtos farmacêuticos ativos

  • Especificações
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Nome do Produto: Guaifenesin
Outro nome: Guaiphenesin
Aparência: Pó branco
Nº CAS: 93-14-1
M.F.: C10H14O4
M.W.: 198.216
Avaliar: Grau farmacêutico

Guaifenesin is an expectorant reported to have muscle relaxant and sedative activity, where it is often used as anesthetic during animal surgery.

The principal use of guaifenesin powder is in the treatment of coughing, but the drug has numerous other uses,including medical, veterinary, and personal.Guaifenesin is thought to act as an expectorant by increasing the volume and reducing the viscosity of secretions in the trachea and bronchi. It also stimulates the flow of respiratory tract secretions, allowing ciliary movement to carry the loosened secretions upward toward the pharynx.Thus, it may increase the efficiency of the cough reflex and facilitate removal of the secretions.

Itens Especificação
Aparência Pó cristalino branco

Absorção infravermelha

Ultraviolet Absorption

Chemical test

Concordant with the RS spectrumConcordant with the RS spectrum


Intervalo de fusão 78 ~ 82℃
Perda ao secar ≤ 0.5%
Metal pesado ≤ 0.0025%
Chromatographic Purity



Other individual impurity


1,3-bis(2-methoxyphenoxy) propan-2-ol

Other individual maximum unknown impurity

Impurezas totais

Residual solvent ( Etanol)

≤ 1.5%≤ 0.03%

≤ 0.5%

≤ 0.5%

≤ 0.10%

≤ 1.0%

≤ 0.5%

Ensaio 98.0% ~ 102.0%

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0 + 7 = ?

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